This is expected to work with Quicken $US $CDN $CDN $CDN
Item # Description [Title] Author Qty Now Qty Sales Qty Bought Qty @ Jan 99 Qty Total Selling Price Cost From Invoice Other Costs Spread over Order Total Cost per Item Total Cost per Item Profit in $'s is Profit % of Selling Price Value @ Jan 99 Value Cal Totals
1 The Millionaires of Genesis Ponder 5 0 0 5 5 $15.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $3.45 22.99 75.00 $75.00 Other costs= Exch on books + shipping +GST
2 The Millionaire Moses Ponder 6 6 6 $15.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $3.45 22.99 90.00 $90.00
3 The Millionaire Joshua Ponder 5 5 5 $15.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $3.45 22.99 75.00 $75.00
4 The Millionaire from Nazaris Ponder 5 5 5 $15.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $3.45 22.99 75.00 $75.00 $193.68
5 Open Your Mind to Prosperity Ponder 5 1 4 2 6 $15.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $3.45 22.99 30.00 $75.00 $173.72
6 The Healing Secrets of the Ages Ponder 5 4 1 5 $19.00 $8.97 $6.80 $15.77 $3.23 17.00 19.00 $95.00 $19.96 Currency exchange @ 1.4928 + 4.50 handling charge $220.01
7 The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages Ponder 5 5 5 $22.00 $6.57 $4.98 $11.55 $10.45 47.50 110.00 $110.00 $29.94
8 The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity Ponder 0 7 6 1 7 $22.00 $10.17 $7.71 $17.88 $4.12 18.73 22.00 $0.00 As prepayment was required, some excess was sent>> $19.96
9 The Dynamic Laws of Prayer Ponder 5 1 2 4 6 $22.00 $10.17 $7.71 $17.88 $4.12 18.73 88.00 $110.00 Currency exchange @ 1.4996 + 5.00 handling charge $101.76
10 The Dynamic Laws Of Healing Ponder 5 2 7 7 $22.00 $10.17 $7.71 $17.88 $4.12 18.73 154.00 $110.00
11 Open Your Mind to Receive Ponder 5 1 6 6 $9.00 $4.17 $3.16 $7.33 $1.67 18.54 54.00 $45.00
12 Secrets Of Unlimited Prosperity Ponder 5 2 7 7 $9.00 $4.17 $3.16 $7.33 $1.67 18.54 63.00 $45.00 DeVorss & Company
13 Prospering Power Of Prayer Ponder 5 2 7 7 $9.00 $4.17 $3.16 $7.33 $1.67 18.54 63.00 $45.00 PO Box 550
14 Prospering Power Of Love Ponder 5 4 1 5 $9.00 $4.17 $3.16 $7.33 $1.67 18.54 9.00 $45.00 Marina del Rey, CA, USA
15 total>> 46.97 927.00 $995.00 total 90294-0550
16 Metaphysical Bible Dictionary Fillmore 1 1 1 1 2 $26.00 $11.97 $9.30 $21.27 $4.73 18.19 26.00 $26.00
17 Unity Guide to Healing Fillmore 5 5 0 5 $6.50 $2.97 $2.31 $5.28 $1.22 18.80 0.00 $32.50
18 Unity Guide to Prosperous Living Fillmore 4 1 5 0 5 $6.50 $2.97 $2.31 $5.28 $1.22 18.80 0.00 $26.00
19 Myrtle Fillmore:Mother of Unity Witherspoon 1 1 1 $18.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $4.19 23.29 18.00 $18.00
20 How to let God Help You Fillmore 1 1 2 2 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 27.00 $13.50
21 Set: Christian Healing, Letters, Lessons In Truth Fillmore 1 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
22 Healing Letters Fillmore 1 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
23 Christian Healing Fillmore 2 1 1 2 $5.50 $2.37 $1.84 $4.21 $1.29 23.43 5.50 $11.00 The other cost column was cal from the 12 power med ex books and how much it appears that it cost to bring them to the church
24 Revealing Word Fillmore 1 1 1 $18.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $4.19 23.29 18.00 $18.00
25 Atom Smashing Power of Mind Fillmore 1 1 1 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 16.00 $16.00
26 Christ Enthroned in Man Fillmore 1 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
27 Dynamic for Living Fillmore 2 2 2 $17.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $3.19 18.78 34.00 $34.00
28 A Daily Guide Spiritual Living Fillmore 0 1 -1 0 $17.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $3.19 18.78 -17.00
29 Jesus Christ Heals Fillmore 1 1 0 1 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 0.00 $16.00
30 Mysteries of Genesis Fillmore 1 1 1 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 16.00 $16.00
31 Prosperity Fillmore 2 1 1 2 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 16.00 $32.00
32 Twelve Powers of Man* (out of print) Fillmore 5 5 5 $14.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $1.26 8.99 70.00 $70.00
33 Talks on Truth Fillmore 1 1 1 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 16.00 $16.00
34 Teach Us to Pray Fillmore 1 1 1 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 16.00 $16.00
35 Charles Fillmore Concordance Fillmore 1 1 0 1 $10.50 $4.77 $3.71 $8.48 $2.02 19.27 0.00 $10.50
36 Your Hope of Glory Turner 2 1 1 2 3 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 32.00 $32.00
37 Garden of Allah Fox 1 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
38 Torch Bearer to Light The Way Vahle 1 1 1 $20.00 $8.97 $6.97 $15.94 $4.06 20.30 20.00 $20.00
39 Twelve Power Mediation Exercise Roth 11 10 1 11 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $99.00
40 Twelve Powers Fillmore 10 10 0 10 $15.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $2.26 15.06 0.00 $150.00
41 The Quest Jafolla 6 6 12 0 12 $33.00 $14.97 $11.63 $26.60 $6.40 19.39 0.00 $198.00
42 4T Program Smith 14 10 4 14 $85.00 $39.50 $31.01 $70.51 $14.49 17.04 340.00 correct values for the shipment $1,190.00
43 Lessons in Truth - Course Cady 3 3 3 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
44 Interpreting the Bible, Instructor's Guide Unity 1 1 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
45 Bible Overview Unity 1 1 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
46 0 0 0.00
47 Practical Guide to Meditation & Prayer Butteroff 1 1 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 13.50 $13.50
48 Practical Guide to Prosperous Living Butteroff 2 2 2 $16.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $3.26 20.37 32.00 $32.00
49 Celebrate Yourself Butterworth 2 2 2 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 27.00 $27.00
50 Metamorality Butterworth 1 1 1 $12.00 $5.37 $4.17 $9.54 $2.46 20.48 12.00 $12.00
51 The Concentric Perspective Butterworth 4 7 3 8 11 $15.00 $6.57 $5.10 $11.67 $3.33 22.17 120.00 $60.00
52 Discover the Power Within You*HB and soft, Only S now Butterworth 5 2 1 6 7 $22.00 $10.40 $8.08 $18.48 $3.52 16.00 132.00 $110.00
53 Unity: A Quest for Truth Butterworth 1 1 2 2 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 27.00 $13.50
54 The Universe is Calling Butterworth 4 2 6 6 $13.50 $6.57 $5.10 $11.67 $1.83 13.52 81.00 $54.00
55 How I Used Truth Cady 2 1 3 3 $10.00 $4.77 $3.71 $8.48 $1.52 15.24 30.00 $20.00
56 The Christ Based Teaching Curtis 2 2 2 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 18.00 $18.00
57 Once Upon A Christmas Freeman 1 1 1 $20.00 $10.17 $7.90 $18.07 $1.93 9.64 20.00 $20.00
58 What God Is Like Freeman 2 2 2 $11.00 $4.77 $3.71 $8.48 $2.52 22.94 22.00 $22.00
59 The Case for Reincarnation Freeman 2 2 2 $15.00 $6.57 $5.10 $11.67 $3.33 22.17 30.00 $30.00
60 God Is the Answer Gatlin 1 1 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 13.50 $13.50
61 Handbook of Positive Prayer Hasbrouck 3 1 7 -3 4 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 -40.50 $40.50
62 Nourishing the Life Force Jafolla 1 1 1 $12.00 $5.37 $4.17 $9.54 $2.46 20.48 12.00 $12.00
63 Live Youthfully Now Kemp 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
64 Know Thyself Lynch 1 1 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 13.50 $13.50
65 You Can Be Healed Palmer 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
66 Laws of Love Pounders 2 2 2 $14.00 $5.37 $4.17 $9.54 $4.46 31.84 28.00 $28.00
67 Daily Guide to Spiritual Living Rosemergy 3 3 3 $18.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $4.19 23.29 54.00 $54.00
68 Quest For Meaning Rosemergy 2 2 0 2 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 0.00 $27.00
69 Mind: The Master Power Roth 1 1 0 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 0.00 $13.50
70 Dare to Believe Rowland 3 3 3 $11.00 $4.77 $3.71 $8.48 $2.52 22.94 33.00 $33.00
71 Magic of the Word Rowland 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
72 Patterns for Self-Unfoldment Schmelig 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
73 How to Use the Power of Prayer Sherman 4 4 4 $12.00 $5.37 $4.17 $9.54 $2.46 20.48 48.00 $48.00
74 Fear Not! Smock 1 1 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 13.50 $13.50
75 Meet It With Faith Smock 1 1 1 $13.50 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 $2.89 21.42 13.50 $13.50
76 Turning Point Smock 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
77 Most Surprising Song Stahl 1 1 1 $15.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $2.26 15.06 15.00 $15.00
78 Be Ye Transformed Turner 1 1 1 $15.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $2.26 15.06 15.00 $15.00
79 Let There Be Light Turner 1 1 1 $13.50 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $0.76 5.62 13.50 $13.50
80 Whatsoever Things Are There Whaley 1 1 1 $6.00 $2.97 $2.31 $5.28 $0.72 12.04 6.00 $6.00
81 Jesus Christ Wilson 1 1 1 $8.00 $3.97 $3.08 $7.05 $0.95 11.82 8.00 $8.00
82 Like A Miracle Wilson 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
83 Week That Changed the World Wilson 1 1 1 $15.00 $7.17 $5.57 $12.74 $2.26 15.06 15.00 $15.00
84 Peace That Passes All Misunderstanding Witherspoon 1 1 1 $9.00 $4.17 $3.24 $7.41 $1.59 17.67 9.00 $9.00
85 Next Shelf 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 1551.00 $0.00
86 Prayer Works Guiley 1 1 0 1 $17.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $3.19 18.78 0.00 $17.00
87 You Too Can Be A Superstar Seegers 4 2 6 0 6 $8.00 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 ($2.61) -32.61 0.00 $32.00
88 Songs of Wonder [Christmas] - CD Heywood 10 10 10 $15.90 $7.95 $6.18 $14.13 $1.77 11.15 159.00 $159.00 Ben has never been paid
89 Songs of Wonder [Christmas] - Tape Heywood 12 12 12 $11.90 $5.95 $4.62 $10.57 $1.33 11.15 142.80 $142.80
90 Old Heartbreaker Jenkins 2 2 2 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.00 100.00 30.00 $30.00
91 As You Think Allen 2 2 2 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 100.00 20.00 $20.00
92 Inspirations Unity 1 1 1 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.00 100.00 15.00 $15.00
93 Life Transitions Brumet 1 1 1 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.00 100.00 15.00 $15.00
94 Attune Your Spirit - booklet and tape Asoma 3 3 3 $15.00 $9.00 $6.99 $15.99 ($0.99) -6.62 45.00 $45.00
Wisdom For A Lifetime 5 9 10 4 14 $18.00 $8.97 $6.97 $15.94 $2.06 11.45 72.00 $90.00
95 Wisdom For A Lifetime - Guide 1 1 2 0 2 $5.00 $3.95 $3.07 $7.02 ($2.02) -40.38 0.00 $5.00
96 Story of Unity 0 1 1 0 1 $26.00 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $12.19 46.90 0.00 $0.00
97 Foundations of Unity 0 1 1 1 $13.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.00 100.00 13.00 $0.00
98 Path To Peace 2 -2 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
99 Finding Yourself In Transition 10 -10 0 $5.97 $4.64 $10.61 ($10.61) ERR 0.00 $0.00
100 Prayer: Way To Health 0 1 1 1 $19.50 $7.77 $6.04 $13.81 $5.69 29.19 19.50 $0.00 Not sure where this book came from, cost guessed
101 Booklets: Some at $1, at 2, 2.75 and other prices 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
102 3 Gateways to Prayer 2xU2 2 2 2 $1.50 $0.60 $0.47 $1.07 $0.43 28.92 3.00 $3.00
103 As a Man Thinkest Allen 2 2 2 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 100.00 2.00 $2.00
104 Walking in the Light Unity 1 1 1 $1.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1.50 100.00 1.50 $1.50
105 Dynamic Ideas for Spiritual Growth Unity 1 1 1 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 100.00 1.00 $1.00
106 Abundance U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
107 Faith U2 4 4 4 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 4.00 $4.00
108 Diversity in Unity U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
109 Forgiveness U2 2 2 2 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 2.00 $2.00
110 Divine Order U2 9 9 9 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 9.00 $9.00
111 Grace U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
112 Guidance U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
113 Interview with God U2 11 11 11 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 11.00 $11.00
114 Harmony  U2 5 3 2 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 2.00 $5.00
115 Jesus Christ U2 8 8 8 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 8.00 $8.00
116 Healing U2 5 3 2 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 2.00 $5.00
117 Letting Go U2 5 5 0 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $5.00
118 Love U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
119 Peace U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
120 Meditation U2 4 4 0 4 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $4.00
121 Practical Christianity U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
122 One Day at a Time U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
123 Prayer U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
124 Science & Spirituality U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
125 Strength U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
126 How Unity Interprets the Bible U2 5 3 2 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 2.00 $5.00
127 Unity & the Next Millenium U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
128 Transformation U2 4 4 4 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 4.00 $4.00
129 Unity Today U2 7 7 7 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 7.00 $7.00
130 Unity & 12 Steps U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
131 They Shall be Comforted U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
132 As You Tithe U2 2 2 2 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 2.00 $2.00
133 The Lord's Prayer U2[50:20] 4 4 4 $0.30 $0.12 $0.09 $0.21 $0.09 28.92 1.20 $1.20
134 Activity with God U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
135 Your Birthday is Special U2 1 1 1 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 1.00 $1.00
136 Beloved of God Happy Birthday U2 2 2 2 $2.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $1.47 73.35 4.00 $4.00
137 The Best of Daily Word 3xU2 5 5 5 $2.50 $0.90 $0.70 $1.60 $0.90 36.03 12.50 $12.50
138 Truth about Worry 3xU2 4 4 4 $2.50 $0.90 $0.70 $1.60 $0.90 36.03 10.00 $10.00
139 The Simple Prayer U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
140 A Child's Spirituality U2 4 4 4 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 4.00 $4.00
141 Handbook of Prayer 3xU2 3 3 3 $2.00 $0.90 $0.70 $1.60 $0.40 20.04 6.00 $6.00
142 Tithing; Questions & Answers U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
143 Unity and the Bible U2 7 7 7 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 7.00 $7.00
144 A Prosperity Meditaion U2/5 2 2 2 $0.20 $0.06 $0.05 $0.11 $0.09 46.69 0.40 $0.40
145 In the Silence U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
146 Another Dawn U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
147 How I Found Health U2 3 3 3 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 3.00 $3.00
148 Loose Him and Let Him Go U2 10 10 10 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 10.00 $10.00
149 Why is the Answer Delayed U2 6 6 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 6.00 $6.00
150 Watch Your Habitual Words U2[50:20] 6 6 6 $0.30 $0.12 $0.09 $0.21 $0.09 28.92 1.80 $1.80
151 Prosperity Thoughts U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
152 Wherever You Are God Is U2/5 7 7 7 $0.20 $0.06 $0.05 $0.11 $0.09 46.69 1.40 $1.40
153 Silent Unity [504??] 0 2 2 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
154 Prayers Blessing & Meditations U2 5 1 6 0 6 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $5.00
155 Life is Consciousness U2 4 4 4 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 4.00 $4.00
156 Helping Others Through Prayer U2 5 5 5 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 5.00 $5.00
A Handbook of Prayers 3xU2 1 1 1 $2.50 $0.90 $0.70 $1.60 $0.90 36.03 2.50 $2.50
0 0 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $0.00
0 0 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $0.00
0 0 $1.00 $0.30 $0.23 $0.53 $0.47 46.69 0.00 $0.00
What Treasure Mapping Can Do 4xU2 10 10 0 10 $3.00 $1.20 $0.93 $2.13 $0.87 28.92 0.00 $30.00
157 0 0 0 $90.45 $300.30
158 Daily Words large print 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
159 The order was with Invoice date of Aug 24/99 for 1 yr 0 0 $2.00 $0.95 $0.74 $1.68 $0.32 15.87 0.00 $0.00
160 for 2 copies per month + 1 month incl. shipping 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
161 0 0 $13.44
162 0 0 $87.43
163 0 0 $250.98
164 Mending the Crucifiction Sandra Diver 6 6 6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
165 Hoff 6 6 6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
166 Jolliffe 3 3 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
168 Daily Word Regular 20 20 20 $2.00 $0.56 $0.54 $1.10 $0.90 45.19 40.00 $40.00 Note: No all are sold, expect 20% waste
169 The Adventure Called Unity 0 20 -20 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
170 Silent Unity, Light That Shines 0 20 -20 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ERR 0.00 $0.00
171 Unity View of the New Age 0 20 -20 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00