Spiritually Speaking
A favourite minister friend of mine who used to pastor at an inner city church in Brooklyn liked to use a "call and answer" technique during his sermons. I can see him smiling as he would enthusiastically call out, "God IS Good" to a congregational response of, "ALL the time!"
In the midst of news full of earthquakes, forest fires and fearful students returning to classrooms where school shootings have occurred, is it possible to feel thankful this Thanksgiving?
I believe we have difficulty seeing God's constant goodness only when we attribute to God such human attributes as anger or revenge. The Truth is that love, joy and wisdom are some of the real attributes of God. God is Love and, as such, God is good and present everywhere.
Mary Manin Morrissey wrote, "A God of love will never create an experience where love is removed."
When we see destruction and pain, we are witnessing a false appearance. An appearance that was created from the very thoughts that gave them birth; thoughts of hate, anger, lack and ignorance. If we respected and treated the Earth with love and reverence, would there be as many lives lost to earthquakes?
And if people beheld the Christ in each other, would there be violence? No. I believe our society being so human, intolerant and selfish at times, is reaping what it sows.
In the book, God Will See You Through, Mary L. Kupferle writes of difficult times "...our faith in God reverses into a belief that the outer appearance is mightier than the indwelling spirit of God. Fear is faith in reverse. Faith in the power of the outer condition instead of faith in the power of the inner Christ."
So the next time you hear of a tragedy occurring, to discover God's presence, look into the eyes of the people helping those in need. There you will see God, resolving the situation for the highest good.
Have faith, look for the Truth and trust that God IS good....ALL the