Dated: Mar. 10/00 | Page edited by
Bob Russell |
The Principles of Healing and
Demonstrating Your Good
Thought |
Your body responds to life-giving Ideas: Your whole being takes on new life As you imbue your consciousness with The idea of LIFE - eternal life. ever-renewing life, Life ~ flows ceaselessly from the one fountainhe4 God." . . .Martha Smock
"The spiritual life is not a theory; it must be
. . .The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
Agenda |
HEALTH AND HEALING 1. The true nature of God, as you have already learned, includes Perfect Life. Perfect Life cannot include destruction, decay, obstruction, over-action, or inaction. Man as the expression of God-Life cannot have these conditions either, even though his senses tell him (deceptively) that he DOES have them! "The healing Principle is the true nature of God. Knowing the true nature of God, we know the true nature of man. By knowing His true nature, man is healed"2. How does knowing this act to heal us? When we are convinced of any idea, it changes us in some way, and to some degree. When we realize the healing Principle as the real Cause of our own experience, all our other beliefs begin to move back into right relation, and the negative trend of thought-feeling is changed. When our conscious thinking stops feeding a negative trend to our sub-consciousness, and begins to feed it healing thoughts, the change MUST be reflected in our bodies unless we return to the negative trend. The word "trend" is used quite deliberately. It is not what we sometimes think, but what we habitually think and unconsciously assume to be "normal" or "true" that will register in our bodies. And if we are double-minded, swinging back and forth from faith to doubt, our health condition will express this instability. 3. Unity does not suggest that anyone refuse medical assistance. Neither do we diagnose or prescribe medically. Reliance on spiritual treatment (prayer) alone has served to deepen the faith of many. However, recognizing that in Reality there is only One Intelligence, One Power, working through many channels, we can expect God to work through both physician and metaphysician. We bless them both. "Let God work from the inside and our doctor from the outside; when the twain shall meet, your healing is complete." Two points should be considered in this regard, however. First, it is folly to rely solely on spiritual treatment while holding a fear of physicians, medicines, and surgery, for fear in any form obstructs our consciousness of the healing Principle. Secondly, while material medical assistance may relieve for a time, healing cannot be permanent or complete until whatever is amiss in our souls is corrected. 4. Healing is not so much a reward as it is a revelation. We do not create health, and God does not parcel out healing like a teacher handing out gold stars or jelly beans for good behaviour. Rather, we learn to see ourselves as God sees us, know ourselves as God knows us, love ourselves as God loves us - and thus uncover the perfection that has been ours from all eternity! We have been "converted" or "turned from" embracing, fondling, and fostering NEGATION to embracing, adoring, and embodying GOD THE GOOD. This is the Divine Law of Adjustment. "As within, so without." All healing (adjustment) moves from centre (consciousness) to circumference (experience). 5. Health IS, but our realization of it is Progressive. We may become deeply convinced that only the Good is true, then stand and look in the mirror and find that there has been no physical change. That is the time to stand firm, denying the appearance and affirming our thanks that "God is healing me now." Instantaneous healing is wonderful and joyous to behold. but all healing is of God, no matter how long it takes to appear. We are seldom aware of how deeply ingrained our sub-consciousness has become with twists and turns of negative thinking. It may take longer than we would like to get straightened out, but it is always worth the effort! Fretting about the time factor retards the demonstration of healing.
Patient, thankful thinking hastens it.
6. Much attention has been given to finding specific mental causes for specific physical disorders. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, believed that this was possible, and believed that he had isolated many such mental causes; however, as the science of spiritual healing has evolved, many healers have come to believe that isolation of a mental cause is unnecessary in most cases, and even unjustifiable from a scientific viewpoint. Furthermore, it tends to centre attention on what is wrong, while healing comes from centring attention on what is right and true. In other words, in meeting a health problem, It is of little value to meditate on the question, "What have I been thinking wrong?" Healing value comes from listening for divine instruction in answer to the question "How can I be more Christ-like in my thinking and actions?" for healing is wholeness not only of body, but also of soul. The only complete example we have of Whole Man is Jesus Christ, and as our thinking and style of life become more like His, so will the soundness of our bodies and affairs become more like His. Complete healing is the complete coordination of one's spirit, soul, and body. 7. It would be simplistic to say that we are the only influence on our
health. We do not exist in a vacuum. Our thoughts are influenced by one
another, and by society as a whole. Society is influenced by the people
who are here now, and by those who came before us. We use the term "race
consciousness" to describe the effect society has on our thoughts. Our
own consciousness affects our health, and race consciousness affects our
health. Sound advice is to welcome positive race consciousness messages,
and to block negative race consciousness messages.
HEALTH THROUGH RIGHT THINKING Health can be built up and sustained through right thinking. Right thinking is Godward thinking, holding steadily to the good, the pure & the true. Train your mind to dwell in the peace, love, and security of God. Let His wisdom balance your thoughts so that you may remain poised at all times and be able to exercise good judgment in every decision that-you have to make. Your own thoughts make or mar your health and happiness. Through your thought you establish your reaction to circumstances. You cannot be adversely affected or upset mentally or physically by inharmony or rumour when your thought is centred in Truth. No other person can act as the sentinel of your mind. However, Christ in the midst of you stands ready to help you pattern your thought on the principles of Truth. Thus the living Christ word is quickened in you, and your every thought becomes fraught with divine power. "Receive with meekness the implanted word." In no other way could God make Himself more available to you than as the Word implanted within your consciousness. It is this Word that makes it possible for you to think and talk. Idle words have no place or purpose in one's life. They wander aimlessly
through the mind to form weak, vacillating, destructive thoughts that destroy
faith, defeat courage, and tend toward gossip. inharmony, and disease.
Every day your thoughts are bearing fruit. Each day is a judgement day in which conditions existing in your life prove the nature of your thoughts, whether they be health-creating, success-attracting, joy-Inspiring, or otherwise. What is the cause of my infirmity? What is the remedy? Error thoughts are the cause. Truth thoughts are the remedy. Instead of seeking some wrong thought that may have caused the infirmity, turn your attention to God who is the cause and source of your perfect life and knowledge. Then the infirmity and the thought that caused it will be corrected. Day by day as you progress in your study of Truth, the tenor of your thought will change until quite naturally your every thought will conform to the Christ standard of love, purity, peace, and wholeness. Gladly, with an intelligence born of divine knowing, you will eliminate the thoughts that tend toward disease, inharmony, failure, or lack. You will discern what it is you have been stumbling over and put it out of your way with the word of denial. You will travel toward the thing that occupies your mind: wholeness for yourself and others, if you think and talk health, freedom, and justice, if you make them the basis of your thinking; abundance, success, happiness, if they are your constant thought companions. On the other hand, should you try to follow up the various thoughts that cause infirmity and trace them to their source of error, you would be likely to entangle yourself in a maze of negation from which it would be difficult to extricate yourself. You would travel away from your goal instead of toward it. Use your mind. People who do not commit any flagrant sins often wonder why they suffer, means "missing the mark," falling short of the divine standard. Many persons who are not "bad" or "sinful" experience inharmony because they do not rise up in the consciousness of their Christ power and lay hold of the abundant life and all good that are theirs in Christ. You will not only know the cause, prevention, and cure of every seeming ill as you have need to know, but you will know the truth about your body. You will apprehend it as the living temple of God and learn to let it glorify Him in eternal life and wholeness. Is it always Gods will to heal? Paul prayed three times to have the thorn removed, but it was not taken away. How can I have full faith that I will be healed when 1 have to consider whether it is God's will?Jesus Christ showed by His life and teaching that it is the will of God for men to be whole and well. A clear understanding of this Truth is necessary to a demonstration of health. When you doubt that it is Gods will to heal, you close your consciousness
to His healing love and power. Doubt about its being His will to heal hinders
restoration. The widespread and deep-rooted belief in the world that it
is Gods will for man to suffer so often stands in the way of healing that
it is well worthwhile to consider whether it has any foundation in Truth.
Healing occupied so prominent a place in the ministry of Jesus Christ that one should not for an instant permit Paul's thorn to stand in the way of one's acceptance of healing. It is recorded that Paul had prayed three times for the thorn to be removed when a very definite answer came to him. "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect in weakness." Paul interpreted the words to mean that he was to continue in physical suffering for the glorification of Jesus Christ. The metaphysician of today interprets them to mean that God's grace is sufficient to heal any disease. His power is made perfect in weakness, health replaces sickness, and God is glorified in wholeness. before his conversion, Paul, who was then known as Saul, believed in persecution. It was a practice prevalent in those times. In accordance with his training he was making every effort to destroy the Christians through persecution. He believed he was doing God's will. Then came his memorable conversion. With all the zeal of his former methods, Paul became one of the greatest promoters of the Christian faith. Truth found a wonderful outlet through his well-trained mind. However, with the remembrance of his persecution of the Christians vividly alive in his thoughts, it is not surprising that he associated martyrdom with Christianity, proclaiming, "I take pleasure in weakness, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses." Naturally his "thorn" remained. Do not let Paul's experience discourage you. Although Paul had marvellous faith, so that "God wrought special miracles" by his hands, he prayed but three times for his own healing. Then he submitted to a permanent infirmity because he believed it to be God's will. However, there is no cause for you to do so when down through the centuries the living words of Jesus Christ ring out the challenge "According to your faith be it done unto you." God is love. Love cannot will suffering. Suffering is the result of sin, and sin is a falling short by man of fulfilment of the perfect law. Chastening is the effect of broken law and lasts only as long as the law is violated. As soon as there is repentance - that is, as soon as the law is recognized by the chastened one and he becomes willing and obedient to it - there is forgiveness. Then the suffering ceases. Forgiveness and healing are inseparable. Jesus Christ taught the freeing, forgiving love of God, and He illustrated His teachings by forgiveness and healing. God does not will for man to remain in sin or in the suffering caused by sin. In former days, men were content to accept religious standards as handed down by tradition or built up from man-made laws and opinions. Not being established in absolute good, they placed on God all the blame and responsibility for suffering. Now we have entered the Christ era of wholeness and well being. The blame for imperfection is being placed where it is merited, upon the shoulders of an erring humanity. This may seem a bit hard on man, but it gives us back our God of love. The greatest prayer that can be offered to God is "Thy will be done."
Made sincerely even in blind faith, it works wonders, and it accomplishes
greater things when made with understanding of His will.
Why do some of the most religious people suffer ill health while nonreligious ones frequently enjoy the best of health?Many religious persons have never been taught to know God as health and wholeness. Although they know and worship God according to their especial religious doctrines, they have never abolished sickness from consciousness or established health thoughts in mind. A misunderstanding of God, a wrong conception of His will, and a mistaken belief that applauds infirmity as a sequence of righteousness has caused many a good person to suffer years of invalidism. God as the principle of life gives Himself impartially to all. As it is with the principle of mathematics so it is with the principle of life; a good person or an erring one may use it with the same results. Many a good person fails to use the principle aright because he believes that suffering is a virtue. On the other hand, there are those who appear callous toward God and His laws but who have a strong hold on life, an almost aggressive belief in their right to health. They disdain physical weakness. Unconsciously they worship life and life is God. When we realize our unity with God and man, we no longer divide people into classes of good and bad. Whatever the shortcoming in others, whether it be of a moral, spiritual, or physical nature, we behold the Christ working there for the upliftment and well-being of the individual. In answer to those who, while faithfully living up to their highest conceptions of Truth, come into an inharmonious experience...A person who takes up the study of Truth acknowledges the presence and power of Christ indwelling. He begins to educate his mind and body to accept Christ as its master. During the period of spiritual education and growth there is no need to give up to doubt or discouragement if in harmony merely reveals that the body is responding to some idea of error that has not been altogether eliminated from the mind. It is yielding to the old authority of the mortal man. When adverse conditions return, it is invariably found that the memory of them has been carried forward in consciousness and rehearsed in thought or that the person has reverted to some previous negative belief. The transforming of the mind by Truth - the educating of the consciousness and body to the perfection of the indwelling Christ - is earnest, absorbing, joyous work. It is not completed in a moment, which is also true of any other educational process. It is a matter of daily study, application, and progress. If you would know constant health you must make health a business, practising it as patiently and unfailingly as you do breathing and thinking. Do not dwell on disease, or fear it. Think about health only, and it will respond graciously to you. Confidently, triumphantly acknowledge that you have it, that it is Gods will. Constant affirmations of physical vigour, strength, and vitality as the right of all people will tend to bring you into the realization of perfect health. Through daily communing with God in prayer and meditation, through inviting
and accepting His counsel and companionship in all that you do, the superconscious
or Christ mind is opened to you. Its unfailing faith and wisdom are instantly
available to you.
Should thoughts or inharmonies that revert to previous conditions, training, or beliefs arise, meet them as the conqueror that you are in Spirit and set them right. Thus anything that may need correcting in your subconscious mind is readily taken care of. There is an inner gladness that comes from communing with God, and it is a healing gladness. Establish yourself therefore in the joy of Spirit and go swiftly forward to your goal. Why is it unwise to blame others for unpleasant conditions in one's life?In so doing a person fails to take the only attitude that would help him overcome the difficulty. He cannot free himself from an inharmony as long as he tries to shift the blame for it to the shoulders of others. There is no more important truth for the overcomer to learn about himself than this, that he is the one who controls his own body and environment. One peculiarity of the mortal consciousness is its readiness in self-defense and self-justification. It instinctively blames the outside world for its unpleasant experiences, whereas these are the effect of some limited concept in the mind of the individual. Therefore, we should look within and pray for spiritual discernment, that we may be able to establish life in right relationship to the kingdom of heaven within; then outside relations will become harmonious. 1 admit I am skeptical about the effectiveness of spiritual healing except in cases of nervous or imaginary ailments.In fairness to God and to yourself you must put skepticism out of your mind. It retards your healing. Let your faith be strong and positive. Express it in thought, word, and deed, and you will be healed. You will prove the infallibility of the law, "According to your faith be it done unto you," and "As he thinketh within himself so is he." In understanding the relation of the mind to the body you will see that all causes are mental. The initial step is to know that God is mighty to heal and that His will for you and for all other persons is health. To look to God for healing and at the same time doubt His ability to heal hinders the desired result. This state of mind makes you skeptical and uncertain of the right in anything. Thus you become open to the negative thoughts that float about in the race consciousness. Spiritual healing depends on faith in God as the one and only source of life. It is therefore most necessary to dwell much on the healing love and power of God in order to establish a steady, active faith. No disease was too complicated for Jesus Christ. He healed all manner of diseases. His power is not lessened. His ability and willingness to heal are as great today as they were in Palestine. This is being proved daily by those who place their trust in Him. It will be proved to you. God in the midst of you is mighty to heal and to sustain you. Why can I help myself but not others? |
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