Dated: Aug. 01/98 |
Do you really believe that your prayer will be answered. There is a risk to prayer as you are going to get exactly what you pray for in the way that you pray! There are 3 types of prayer:
The sinner the 2 fisted one [a real struggling type of prayer] and the wining type, pleading [please, please...].
Prayers are always answered!!
Verna spoke of the early days of Unity, of how Unity began [for further details look up the headquarters website]. She also covered some of the things that people would pray for - - which was virtually anything, actually. Are you willing to take the risk when you go to prayer?
We really have to face ourselves when we pray, so that all the things within are known to us. Turn all the negative things over to God.
Why are we praying - to gain an advantage over others? To get our own way?? Or is it to receive God's wishes?
We risk becoming more Christ like - Every thought you think is a prayer. Do not allow your thoughts to rule you. When you turn to prayer God must increase and we must decrease. We shall become more patient. A new heaven and a new Earth means a New World order [ it is still occurring] when?? To understand Revelations we need to understand esoteric information also. Mankind must come to a new understanding.
In Silent Unity there were and are instantaneous healings. Miraculous healings. Eventually even our subconscious could be cleansed. Would you pray and meditate more often if the subconscious was really a vast reservoir of God's Love.
You get exactly what you pray for. Watch your real prayers. What are the things that you are really devoting yourself to? These are your real prayers! Creative Principal or God already has great plans for you.
You have to let go of your good, to allow God to give you something better!
[Hope this is close to what Verna said.]
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