Dated: Mar. 8/00 | Page edited by
Bob Russell |
Introduction To The Fundamentals of Unity
Thought | "Unity is a link in the great educational
movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ. Our objective is to discern the truth
in Christianity and prove it. The truth we teach is not new, neither do
we claim special revelations or discovery of new religious principles.
Our purpose is to help mankind to use and prove the eternal Truth taught
by the Master.”
. . . Charles Fillmore
"Be transformed by the renewal of your
Romans 12:2
“Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose
time has
come.” Voltaire
Agenda |
Founded in 1889, Unity offers a practical
philosophy for living. Unity has no strict creed or
UNITY'S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE “Unity is a link in the great educational
movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ. Our objective is
Charles Fillmore
I understand that my co-operation with
the following agreement is essential for me to receive the maximum value
of this class and to support others on the spiritual path.
Attendance 1. Attendance at each class is advantageous as each class is cumulative. If absence is unavoidable, contact your facilitator or a small group member to get class materials. 2. Class begins promptly at 7:30 PM with an opening prayer. Please be in your seat, ready to begin when class begins. 3. Please return from breaks promptly. 4. Coffee and tea are available following the class (starting with class 2) in Harmony Hall. Please do not bring food or drinks into the sanctuary or chapel. 5. Please be considerate regarding
noise levels when you get a drink, use the rest rooms or walk to your group
area. Support groups may be meeting in the building.
Assignments There may be suggested reading material
and assignments for each class. These are designed to facilitate personal
growth. Some reading assignments are supplemental to the material discussed
in class and are provided to deepen the students knowledge.
Drop Out Arrangements If it is necessary to drop out of the class, a flail or partial refund of tuition may be arranged as shown in the payment schedule: Up to and including Week 2: Full refund of total tuition paid, less $5.00 for course handout. Each class after Week 2: Prorated. Weekly
fees deducted from total tuition paid. After Week 5: No refund.
CEP Credit Unity School of Religious Studies, Unity
Village has allotted 10 hours credit fur Unity Basics One. To receive credit
the student must attend at least seven of eight classes, complete all reading
and written assignments, fill out a CEP registration form, and turn the
form in with a check for $15.00 made payable to Unity School of Religious
Historical Background The Unity movement was founded in 1889 by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore to promulgate the practical discoveries they had made through independent metaphysical research and to promote such research among open-minded people of all faiths. The first public effort in this direction took the form of a magazine published under the title Modern Thought. This public effort was the direct outgrowth of a personal experience of spiritual healing which Myrtle Fillmore received through a vivid realization of the simple truth: "I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness." The very simplicity of such a realization led them to believe that theirs was a discovery that could readily blend with the various progressive teachings being promoted at the time: including spiritualism, occultism., mesmerism, etc. However, within a few months after commencing publication of the magazine, Charles Fillmore came to a conclusion which has ever since served as a basic policy of the Unity Movement: "Not that we condemn any system. but we find bv experience that concentration is necessary to success and we wish to confine these pages to that specific doctrine, and Holy Ghost Power, taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ." The name Unity was received in meditation by Charles Fillmore in the spring of 1891 while he and his wife and a few students were praying together silently, and has since been used continuously as the inspired banner under which universal Truth with a distinctly Christian emphasis has been taught and practised. A document now prized by many Unity students known as the "Dedication and Covenant." was written in 1892. Although it was not made public until 1942, it expresses the spiritual convictions which have sustained the Unity Movement at its best. The text of this document, originally written in longhand by Charles Fillmore, and also signed by Myrtle Fillmore, is as follows: "We, Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore, husband and wife. hereby dedicate ourselves, our time, our money; all we have and all we expect to have, to the Spirit of Truth, and through it, to the Society of Silent Unity. It being understood and agreed that the said Spirit of Truth shall render unto us an equivalent for this dedication, in peace of mind, health of body, wisdom, understanding, love, life and an abundant supply of all things necessary to meet every want without our making any of these things the object of our existence. In the presence of the Conscious Mind of Christ. Jesus. this 7th
day of December. 1892
"Mv opportunities are unlimited. There is a Divine Urge within me to express. It permeates me and fills all space and all people. All of my affairs are in Its hands. To It are clear/v visible the best ways, methods and means for my greater expression. I leave my affairs in the hands of this Principle, and I cooperate with It. Today the possibilities of my experience are unlimited. The Spirit of God flows through me, inspiring me and sustaining that inspiration. I have ability and talent and I am busy using them. This talent is divinely sustained and marketed under a Universal plan of right action. Life lies open to me--rich, full, abundant. My thought, which is my key to life, opens all doors for me. I am one with infinity, Divinity. I realize this unity. I proceed on my way as one who knows that God goes with him into an eternal day of infinite privilege. I have on/y to open the portals of my soul and accept that which is ready to express through me. Today I fling these portals wide; today I am the instrument through which life flows." . . . Ernest Holmes
whole and complete, and yet life is ever changing. There is no beginning and no end, only a constant cycling and recycling of substance and experiences. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment is ever new and fresh. I am one with the very Power that created me and this Power has given me the power to create my own circumstances. I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose. Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world." . . . Louise Hay
Next Chapter is: Class 2
Previous Section was: Sharing